Online Test Platform - PraKtiz
- Can be used for conducting first round screening of fresh recruits
- Contains question bank with 3000+ well-curated questions
- Covers Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, and Data Interpretation
- Can be configured to reflect the company’s recruitment needs
We can
- Provide the test platform, customised tests, or both
- Aggregate the Praktiz Test toppers for direct recruitment

Programming Evaluation Platform :PraktizTech
- Assessescoding skills in C, C++, Java, Javascript, Python, Ruby
- Contains a standard set of tasks for fresher recruitments
- Automatically evaluates code based on input-output test cases
- Can act as a platform for Recruitment, Internal Training, and Project Development
PraktizTech can be used to
- Assess the technical capability of a fresher during screening
- Check the technical competence of a lateral hire
- Evaluate the participants during and after an internal training program
We can
- Provide the evaluation platform, set of tasks, or both
- Praktiz Test toppers for direct recruitment

Customised Placement Services : AdroitRecruits
We offer placement services in different forms
- First round screening on a turnkey basis
- PraKtiz Test Excellers for direct recruitment
- PraktizTech Programming Excellers for direct recruitment
- PraKtiz platform for Online Tests
- PraktizTech platform for Technical Tests
Our team comprises of IIM-Kozhikode and XLRI graduates to Engineers and English trainers who are highly experienced in Aptitude training and Career guidance and have experience in corporates.
Please contact us for a discussion on the best solution for you.
Our Address
Konfidence, 33/740 - C, Link Retreat, Vennala PO, Kochi 682028
Kerala, India